All type of raisins - Istanbul
All type of raisins
• "malayar" - light brown medium pitted raisins;
• "sultana" - brown or yellow-brown pitted raisins;
• "golden" - a golden seedless variety with sugary pulp;
• Shigani is a dark seedless variety.
Все сортов изюма
• «малаяр» — светло-коричневый средний изюм без косточек;
• «султана» — коричневый или желто-коричневый изюм без косточек;
• «голден» — золотистый сорт без косточек с сахаристой мякотью;
• «шигани» — темный сорт без косточек.
ООО “World Import Export Trade” из Узбекистана свежие фрукты, овощи, бобовые и сухофрукты, специи, замороженные продукты оптом
Форма оплата - рубль, доллар и с евро счетами.
Цены договорные с учетом рыночной цены, курс валют и от объема.
Mobile: +998 90 604 04 74
WhatsApp \ Viber \ Telegram : +998 90 604 04 74
LLC "World Import Export Trade" from Uzbekistan fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes and dried fruits, spices, frozen foods in bulk
Form of payment - ruble, dollar and with euro accounts.
Prices are negotiable, taking into account the market price, exchange rate and volume.
Black raisins are made from grape varieties harvested in Central Asia, have a bluish coating, so they are often called not dark or black, but blue raisins. Black raisins have a tart-sweet taste, rich aroma, and are seedless. It is this type of raisin that is most suitable for adding to Easter cakes.
What are the benefits of yellow raisins?
Due to the content of magnesium and B vitamins in raisins, which are responsible for the functioning of the nervous system and normalization of sleep, it is useful for those who suffer from insomnia. Raisins contain phytochemicals. They promote healthy teeth and gums by fighting bacteria in the mouth that lead to cavities.
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