Maytag Dependable Care washer - Istanbul

Maytag Dependable Care washer
This is a recent model Maytag Dependable Care washer
Super Capacity for those extra super large laundry loads
Extra Rinse cycle to keep your clothes free from soap residue
2 Speed Motor with high and low agitation
Water saving water level options
Energy saving automatic water temp control
Heavy Duty Super sized Porcelain Basket
It has a fabric softener dipenser and a bleach dispenser
It has a two part ratcheting agitator that pulls the clothes down into the main agitator for a high tech cleaning action
Very clean
Shiny White Color
It has Delicate and Handwash Cycles for those special garments
It has a SuperWash cycle for your extra dirty laundry jobs
Many different cycles and features, $175 I accept cash

Posted on : 8 months ago, #2668, 3 views

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Istanbul, Turkiye

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