2003 Yamaha r6 Motorcycle - Instanbul

2003 Yamaha r6 Motorcycle
I have a 2003 Yamaha r6 for sale. This bike is in really good condition. I have not laid it down since I have had it. It has 2 brand new tires on it. I put them on back in the spring. It also has a new clutch cable. The bike will need either a stator or regulator, I'm not sure which one, but the battery is not staying charged after riding for about an hour. I'm asking $2,200 firm.

Yayınlanan : geçen yıl, #3310, 2 gösterim

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Instanbul, Turkiye

muhammedahmedkk bütün ilanlarını göster (4266)

Telefon : 05

E-posta : muhammedahmedkk@gmail.com