8 zero 3060 msi lhr ventus 2x - Instanbul
8 zero 3060 msi lhr ventus 2x
The products are new and the rig has just been installed. All products are amazon jp products. It gives 290 mh. Boxes are bills. Taxes have been paid. The undercarriage is brand new and the best quality products are used. Rig case has fan and is fully remote controllable with smart plug. Just enter your wallet code and you will start earning money. There are 8 esonic motherboards. There are 3 pieces of powerlar corsair and gigabyte 750 w. Bargaining is very small. Do not make silly offers. Please do not call for free love. I would appreciate it if serious buyers call. 1 week technical support is available after the rig is delivered.
0 (551) 095 87 16
Bu ilan sahibine başka ticari konular için iletişime geçmek uygundur.
Instanbul, Turkiye
muhammedahmedkk bütün ilanlarını göster (4266)
Telefon : 05
E-posta : muhammedahmedkk@gmail.com