ostrich,Emu,Macaw chicks and eggs at ( - Instanbul

ostrich,Emu,Macaw chicks and eggs at (205) 4197469
We are breeders of beautiful Ostrich,Emu,Rhea,macaw,conure and Electus birds and we have available some eggs for sale at reasonable prices such as the Ostrich,rhea,macaw,conure,Electus and Emu eggs.We also have Beautiful large empty ostrich egg shell as well which are ideal for decorating or crafts.They are Hand selected with smooth finish and a small 3/16 inch hole on one end.Eggs are collected from free range. The eggs are shipped in safe packages. Our eggs are tested and guaranteed through a candling exercise.Our hatching rate on all eggs is 100 percent.We equally offer brochures auto regulated incubators, CD tapes etc to
customers getting eggs from us to insure a successful hatch,Contact us for more information at.... davidbrian044@gmail.com

Yayınlanan : geçen yıl, #2809, 14 gösterim

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