Turkish Delight Leaf Carrot Paste with Pistachio (Cezerye) - Instanbul

Turkish Delight Leaf Carrot Paste with Pistachio (Cezerye)
Turkish Delight candy has the soft squishy texture of gum drops, is typically speckled with chopped pistachios on the top. The candy is cut into individual squares of soft, pillow-like shape. A sophisticated combination of Leaf Carrot Paste, and pistachio working together to bring harmony to your taste buds. The taste is wonderful. This candy is best eaten as a dessert or snack.

e-mail: ottofistic@gmail.com

web site: https://ottofistik.com/products/turkish-delight-leaf-carrot-paste-with-pistachio-cezerye-300-gr?variant=43036238708953

Yayınlanan : geçen yıl, #2502, 1 gösterim

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