We are looking for a human resources specialist for our company in kadikoy - Instanbul

We are looking for a human resources specialist for our company in kadikoy

We are looking for teammates for our company located in Kadıköy. Our company provides caregivers to families. It will create a bridge between families and caregivers. He'll get the registration of the caregivers. In line with the demands of the families, the appropriate caregiver will meet with the family and place them in a job. Details will be discussed over the phone.

0 (532) 410 02 26

Yayınlanan : geçen yıl, #1099, 1 gösterim

Bu ilan sahibine başka ticari konular için iletişime geçmek uygundur.

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Instanbul, Turkiye

muhammedahmedkk bütün ilanlarını göster (4266)

Telefon : 05

E-posta : muhammedahmedkk@gmail.com